Program Goals

The MSN program of study is design to prepare nurses who:

  1. Influence on the profession of nursing by engaging in professional activities embracing the core values of AAU.
  2. Provide excellent nursing care within a variety of environments with the goal of reducing health disparities and improving individual and population health outcomes.
  3. Integrates evidence-based scientific findings to nursing practice to improve individual person and populations within the complexity of the health care system.
  4. Use the latest technological innovations to enhance access to data and to drive complex decision making to improve healthcare quality and safety.
  5. Assume leadership and promotes interprofessional collaboration in managing and evaluating continuous quality improvement process and patient safety.

MSN Student Profile

MSN Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Clinical Expertise: Apply best practices and nursing knowledge to improve health care outcomes for individuals, families, populations, or systems.
  2. Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Human Diversity: Create comprehensive action plans that address the health promotion and disease prevention needs of individual, family, and community populations.
  3. Evidence-Based Practice: Critique current scientific research for application of findings to initiate change and to improve practice.
  4. Informatics, Technology, Quality and Safety: Integrates informatics and appropriate technologies for knowledge management, coordination of care, and complex decision making to improve quality and safety in individuals and systems of health care.
  5. Interprofessional Collaboration: Use effective communication, collaborative strategies, and leadership knowledge within the interprofessional team to achieve collective goals.
  6. Health Care Policy, Organization, and Finance: Formulate a plan for ongoing contributions to improvement of equitable health care delivery and development of health policy in a cost-effective manner.
  7. Professional Role Development: Apply professional leadership role emphasizing Christian values and ethics and supports scholarly activities to enhance lifelong learning.

Expected Program Outcomes

Expected Program Outcomes

  1. Completion Rates: 80% of students will complete the MSN program within five years after enrollment in the first nursing course.
  2. Employment Rates: 80% of students will be employed within 12 months upon successful completion of the program.
  3. Student Program Satisfaction: 80% of MSN students will be satisfied with the MSN program as determined at mid-program and program completion using quantitative and qualitative assessments.
  4. Employer Satisfaction: 70% or higher of the employers will be satisfied with the Program.

Faculty Outcomes

  1. Educating: 100% of MSN faculty will maintain 85% average and above on the Student Evaluations, annually.
  2. Scholarship: 100% of MSN faculty will be engaged in at least one area of scholarship, annually.

CCNE Accreditation

Comisión de Educación Colegial en Enfermería

The baccalaureate degree program in nursing and the master’s degree programs in nursing at Antillean Adventist University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.

MSN Work Team

Dr. Amarilys Irizarry
Dean of the School
Ext. 2209
Profa. Jovana Manzanares
Nursing Graduate Program Professor
Ext. 2305
Yahaira Mendoza
Graduate Programs Administrative Assistant
Ext. 2229
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